THJ 精密气浮式减振脚垫

在减振的应用中, THJ 1的充气部分可以大幅度降低7Hz以上的振动 。THJ 1的
不充气的THJ 1减振垫脚在垂直方向同样约有10Hz的固有频率,可以隔绝14Hz以上的振动 。
垂直和水平方向的固有频率比大约为 1:1,可维持较高的水平方向稳定性 。
在减少冲击的应用中,THJ 1橡胶外壳为高压缩形变提供了支撑。
利用外在的垫片可以放置THJ 1底部涨脱,以保持4.0Hz的自然频率。
Technical characteristics
In the application of vibration isolator, the inflatable part of THJ-1 can reduce vibration above 7 Hz by a large margin. The natural frequency of THJ-1 is as low as 4 Hz.
The natural frequency of THJ-1 in vertical direction is 10Hz, and it can isolate the vibration above 14Hz.
The ratio of natural frequency of horizontal and vertical direction is about 1:1, which can ensure good stability in horizontal direction.
In application of reducing impact, the rubber shell of THJ-1 can provide support for high-pressure deformation.
The use of external gaskets can prevent the bottom from rising and falling to maintain the natural frequency at 4Hz.=
在减振的应用中, THJ 1的充气部分可以大幅度降低7Hz以上的振动 。THJ 1的
不充气的THJ 1减振垫脚在垂直方向同样约有10Hz的固有频率,可以隔绝14Hz以上的振动 。
垂直和水平方向的固有频率比大约为 1:1,可维持较高的水平方向稳定性 。
在减少冲击的应用中,THJ 1橡胶外壳为高压缩形变提供了支撑。
利用外在的垫片可以放置THJ 1底部涨脱,以保持4.0Hz的自然频率。
Technical characteristics
In the application of vibration isolator, the inflatable part of THJ-1 can reduce vibration above 7 Hz by a large margin. The natural frequency of THJ-1 is as low as 4 Hz.
The natural frequency of THJ-1 in vertical direction is 10Hz, and it can isolate the vibration above 14Hz.
The ratio of natural frequency of horizontal and vertical direction is about 1:1, which can ensure good stability in horizontal direction.
In application of reducing impact, the rubber shell of THJ-1 can provide support for high-pressure deformation.
The use of external gaskets can prevent the bottom from rising and falling to maintain the natural frequency at 4Hz.
THJ 1使用空气减振,能够以合理的结构在垂直和水平方向实现基本的减振性能。
THJ 1系列可以为三坐标测量仪、风机、空压机、电动机/发电机组,高速冲床等提供低频率减振和冲击控制 。
THJ 1系列减振垫脚为低频减振器,它不但能减少干扰振动还能为机器做水平调节。